Monday, April 14, 2014

Fuji x100s Mini-Review

I promise I am getting to blog as fast as is humanly possible.

You may remember that I started a project that I called "Love is Love: Portraits Project" (if you haven't seen it yet head over to the link and check it out!) and that kind of has the majority of my attention, along with work, life, more work, in summary, it's good to be busy.

Three months ago, Santa thought I was really good and got me a Fuji x100s. I wanted that camera as soon as it came out , and I was so lucky that now I am the proud owner of one.

It's been three months and I've gotten to use it quite a bit. I feel I can address why I love this camera much more accurately.


Size: It's small, comfortable, you can hold it with one hand!

Image quality: Hello gorgeous! That's what I feel like saying (I actually say it) the grand majority of the time that I shoot with this beauty.

Look: The throwback vintage look has me so in love. I really wanted a compact camera with a "please don't steal me" kind of look for years, and I that is something this camera really has down.

Portability: Easy to carry on your neck, your purse, perfect for travelling, street photography, documenting.

Versatility: You can do a lot with this camera, including using a pocket wizard to use off camera flash!

Funny story, my camera came straight from Japan with only one manual in Japanese, I don't speak or read the language, however, YouTube is a wonderful thing and David Hobby did a fantastic job on a step by step review of all the features of the camera on this video: And here is another review by Zack Arias.

I read both reviews and watched the videos, they are really very informative. The only two things I can add with this review that Zack and David don't talk about, (maybe they did and I missed it!) are the following:

1 - If you have the camera on silent mode, the flash will not work, you have to go into the menu settings and turn off the silent mode to use the flash. I guess you are not being very anonymous if you are using the flash, however, at least for me it's good to know, I found out the hard way!

2 - The camera has a ring around the lens that you have to remove in order to mount the hood and filter that David Hobby talks about in the video. I did not know that the ring could be removed and I spent quite a white trying to figure it out.

If you know of any other tips and tricks that are not addressed by Zack Arias, David Hobby, or any other photographer, please feel free to comment and share them, we all want to use the camera the best we can!

Here are some images I've taken over the last three months, including some images taken in my trip to San Francisco back in December and January.

 I'll be doing another blog post with more street photography from my trip to San Francisco. Hope you like these!