Thursday, January 16, 2014

Love is Love Portraits Project!

Yay, Yay, Yay! As I said in my New Year's message I have a few projects on the works, the first one that is ready to share is a project very dear to my heart that I called "Love is Love, a portrait project." With these portraits I am looking to illustrate that love is love regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, backgrounds, etc. I asked several couples that are close to me to pose for me, I will be sharing a set of portraits every week, sometimes it will be one photo, sometimes there would be three, it would depend simply on what the pictures are telling me. 

I opened a new blog on Tumblr dedicated to this project, little by little you will see the progress. The portraits will be paired with a little caption about the couple, and answers to questions I asked, sometimes it will be the same questions, sometimes different, again, the pictures will tell me what to do. 

Thank you to Giselle and Andrew for coming to pose for me, I know it wasn't an easy task, since your girls were tired and ready for bed. I hope you like the pictures as much as I do.